1. Parents / Guardians should be aware of the fact that without their help and co-operation not much can be achieved to mould their children’s character. They are therefore earnestly requested to see that the rules of the school are strictly observed by their children and that they study their lessons regularly and take part in all the activities of the school.

2. Parents are requested to see through the dairy of the child to mark the remarks made by the teachers whenever needed. This enables to keep a regular check on the progress of the child.

3. The Principal/Vice- principal must be informed in time about the child’s illness if he is absent due to illness for more than a week. A leave letter with a medical certificate should be sent to the class teacher on the day the child reports back to school. Any other leave must have the prior approval of Principal/Vice-principal. Parents are reminded to use the leave form issued by the school to avail leave for more than two days.

4. Parents are advised not to let their children bring expensive watches, money or valuable articles to school. Children are not allowed to bring cell phones and cameras to school.

5. Parents are requested to visit the Principal, Vice Principal, Coordinators or teachers only with a prior appointment. Teachers schedule is printed in the diary and parents are requested to kindly follow the procedure.

6. Parents are requested to check the haircut, nails, uniform and punctuality of their ward.

7. Parents are advised to ensure, that their ward carries text books, exercise books etc., according to the time table for the day.

8. Parents should also ensure that their ward does not carry to school any literature, comics or magazines that are not part of the school library.

9. Parents are expected to visit school on PTM days to meet teachers to know their ward’s progress, attitude and social growth. For dates and timings please check with the circulars, diary notes and short message service (SMS). Please update the school office immediately regarding a change in your residential address and mobile number if any.

10. Take a sympathetic interest in the work of their child and pride in his/her achievements however small it may be.

11. Parents should encourage their word to read for enjoyment. The school library is very well equipped.

12. Supervise and monitor home-television and internet viewing in order to ensure that their ward comes to school properly rested and thus mentally alert to begin the day’s work.

13. Parents are requested to supervise the home-work, check their diaries and note books of their child regularly.

14. Parents should support the school when it takes corrective action. Corrective action is taken in the best interest of all students and it is mandatory. Parents support will help in a change of attitude in their children.

15. Parents are requested to ensure the following during the birthday celebrations of their wards:

  • Cakes or single cake is not allowed in school.
  • Distribution of return gifts or acceptance of gifts by students is not allowed in school.
  • Small individual chocolates & chocolates not more than 5gm/10gm will be allowed for distribution in class. No chocolates in pouches or big bars are allowed.